By supporting emerging designers and local brands, I try to add my tiny brick to the complicated construction of the more conscious and responsible fashion.
Through direct contact with the creators, I can have bigger transparency and clearer visibility on how my clothes are made.
But, some fantastic movements put all their efforts to reshape fashion and make this world a better place. Yet not forgetting about its unquestionable beauty!
So let’s give them a little shout out and 5 minutes of our time.
Fashion Revolution
24th of April marks the inauguration of an annual Fashion Revolution Week. It also commemorates tragical events from Bangladesh, when on that exact day of 2013 a fashion production factory collapsed. This disastrous incident of Rana Plaza killed over 1000 people and injured more than 2000. It has also changed the fashion world forever.
Since then, Fashion Revolution movement wants to bring awareness on how, where, and by whom our clothes are made.
It encourages all of us to ask that crucial question ‘Who Made My Clothes?’
Today, fashion is produced at the expense of the lives and health of many young people. The planet is urging for help with fashion being one of the most polluting industries. As a consequence, the movement is calling for a safer, cleaner and more transparent sourcing, design and production processes.
So please take that moment and reach out to your favourite brand or retailer. Ask them that viral question. And if they don’t reply, perceive or maybe limit them in your life?

The Eco-Age
Even though The Eco-Age is considered as a fashion consultancy agency in any sustainable related matter, it does much more for the advocacy of better future than some significant other fashion movements out there.
Livia Firth – the founder (and wife of the charismatic actor Colin Firth!), fights daily, through local and global communities for more sustainable fashion industry.
She pushes brands to drop the modern slavery practices, to guarantee a minimum wage and healthy, respectful workplaces.
But The Eco-Age doesn’t stop there. They promote the preservation of the local artisanal, care of the natural environment, and invite all brands to transparency.
On her social media, Livia also gives great insight into her everyday struggles and wins. She pinpoints bad practices and praises the good ones, making the internet a slightly better place.
Being herself a frequent red carpet guest, she started a #GreenCarpetChallange where (with big success) she encourages celebrities to re-wear their big occasion clothes!

Global Fashion Agenda
It’s worth remembering this name since they are, up to this date, the leaders of the global discussion platform. They devote all their tools into urgent actions on sustainability through cooperation and collaboration.
Global Fashion Agenda organises an annual Copenhagen Fashion Summit, merging corporations, emerging brands, politicians, and decision-makers. It offers a unique scene to debate on all the urging environmental, social and ethical issues that bother the fashion industry.
As a consequence, they provide the global leaders with the ‘CEO Agenda’ that spells eight most crucial sustainable priorities. What’s more, through ‘The Pulse of the Fashion Industry’ report, they track the state of sustainability in fashion.

Togetherband by Bottletop
Bottletop is a brand that started with the production of accessories out of up-cycled bottle tops.
And now the founders use their voice to speak even louder. In partnership with the UN, and line with their original brand aesthetics, they launched ethically made friendship bracelets. But don’t worry, it’s not a new way of up-selling yet another gadget. Each colour of the bracelet represents each of the 17 UN Global Goals. Such as no poverty (red), zero hunger (brown), or reduced inequalities (pink).
The bands are hand-crafted by local Nepalese woman communities and using up-cycled ocean plastic. What’s more, 100% profit will go to support the UN objectives.
That’s what I call fashion and good cause in one!

Ethy Maps
Say hi to the first eco-friendly world map! Whether you’re looking for a vegan restaurant, organic coffee place or want to get familiar with a local sustainable fashion, you’ll find it in Ethy Maps.
The platform serves as a fantastic database of ethical products within their local environment that encourages a healthy and conscious consumption.
The project is young and still under construction. And that’s the best part of it because you can actually participate in it by adding your favourite places!
I can’t wait to see it growth into a global tool that will become part of our everyday (more) sustainable lifestyles!

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